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QA Services: Mistral - Quality Assurance Services, QA Testing serviceQA Testing services: ISO 9001:2008, AS9100D CEMILAC certified Quality Assurance Services (QA services company) catering to FCC/CE, DO-178B/C, DO-254 DO-160 standards. Our Quality Assurance Services Quality Testing
Airborne Electronics - Airworthiness Regulations and Safety RequiremeAir transportation agencies and aviation OEMs across the globe have been striving to build next-generation Airborne electronics systems to make flying more reliable, predictable, and safer as the demand for high-efficien
Airborne Systems Design and Avionics Software DevelopmentAirborne Systems is a set of complex components of a modern Aircraft. Mistral offers design and development services for Airborne electronics including airborne systems and avionics software development.
Aerospace Defense | Blue Pearl Software Inc.Blue Pearl Software is a privately held EDA (Electronic Design Automation) company that develops software to improve the productivity of IP and FPGA designers.
A2D Consultancy LtdProfessional services for high integrity and safety-critical embedded software.
FPGA Design Services | Mistral - FPGA Digital Signal Processing, FPGAFPGA Design Services (FPGA and Signal Processing Design services): Mistral’s FPGA and Signal Processing Services include designing, building and deploying customized FPGA Digital Signal Processing designs on (Xilinx, Act
Build to Spec Services | Mistral: Build to Specification (BTS)Build to Specification (Build to Spec): Mistral offers end-to-end Product Design, Build to Specification (BTS) designs and System Engineering services in the embedded domain catering to the needs of a wide variety of def
FCC compliance testing | Mistral - FCC/CE Certification TestingFCC/CE Certification Testing and FCC compliance testing Services: FCC compliance testing and FCC/CE certification services from Mistral ensure that the product designed by us meet CE/UL/FCC norms mandatory for a wide var
Verification and Validation Techniques | Testing and Validation ServiVerification and validation services (Testing and Validation services): Mistral adopts innovative verification and validation techniques throughout the entire quality process to ensure high usability, performance and qua
digital signal processing in radar system | Mistral - RADAR SignalApplications for Mission critical and safety critical systems: Mistral’s defense solutions are complimented by digital signal processing in radar system, RADAR Signal Processing Apps and DO178 Complaint Application Dev
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